Sumber :
First order
Two steps
Successful photograph
Evolution goods
Evolution success ratio: 95%
1 -> 2 success ratios: 100%
The pea dried bean curd.secretion. fermented bean curd. vegetable oil.mercurochrome (is small)
The egg. big excreta. small excreta. radish 蔔
must.the blue liquid medicines(be small)
| |
The yeast. radish 蔔 must. the pea dried bean
curd. secretion. wood
Fermented bean curd. vegetable oil. dye. spore.
| ||
Small excreta. big excreta. wood. dye. pea dried
bean curd
The secretion. vegetable oil. radish 蔔 must. the
pea. fermented bean curd
| ||
Two steps
Three steps
Successful photograph
Evolution goods
Radish younger brother
Evolution success ratio: 90%
2 -> 3 success ratios: 25%
The secretion. vegetable oil. big excreta. radish
蔔 must. the big radish 蔔
Under heroic fingernail. black magic cloth coat.
black magic cloth under trousers. cloth system coat. cloth system
The big radish 蔔. radish 蔔 must. the oxygen.
hydrogen. carbon
Secretion. leaf. vegetable oil. bud. wooden club
| ||
The radish 蔔 must. the big radish 蔔.
secretion. vegetable oil. small excreta
Under cloth system coat. cloth system under
trousers. black magic cloth coat. black magic cloth trousers. lucky
| ||
Small pumpkin
Evolution success ratio: 90%
2 -> 3 success ratios: 25%
Powder of. petroleum. glass fragment cane vine.
mulberry leaf. black magic
Hard shell. titanium alloy. priest 紋章. big
priest 紋章. platinum
| |
Hard shell. titanium alloy. silver. cane vine.
glass fragment
Petroleum. big priest 紋章. oxygen
| ||
Evolution success ratio: 90%
2 -> 3 success ratios: 25%
Powder of the blue color dye. dye. all colors
silk. silver. black magic
Powder of. wind the spirit 紋章. shines line.
snowflake. blue color crystallization
| |
Powder of soul of. silver. spirit the white
butterfly knot. snowflake. 白雪公主
The secretion. sun stone. borax. blue color
crystallizes. the cactus to be colored
| ||
Bean pod skin
Evolution success ratio: 90%
2 -> 3 success ratios: 25%
The radish 蔔 must. the big radish 蔔. vegetable
oil. fermented bean curd. big excreta
Small excreta. pea. jack bean. fool 拳套. wood
| |
The radish 蔔 must. the big radish 蔔. leaf. pea
dried bean curd. small excreta
The vegetable oil. secretion. withers leaf. pea.
fermented bean curd
| ||
Secretion. pea dried bean curd. fermented bean
curd. leaf. mulberry leaf
Jack bean. dye. pea. small excreta. egg
| ||
Successful photograph
Evolution goods
Radish younger brother
Radish king
Evolution success ratio: 85%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 60%
Pharaoh king's curse. ice-cold heart. ice quartz.
water. male student's 羅曼史
The outstanding woods heart. blue color
crystallizes. the blue spark. lucky card. big radish 蔔
Daddy's explanation. male student 羅曼史. man
dementia. lucky grass. lucky card
Ice quartz. water. big radish 蔔. vegetable oil.
hero fingernail
| ||
The big radish 蔔. male student 羅曼史. man
dementia. daddy youth. daddy explained
Pharaoh king's curse. ice quartz. ice-cold heart.
water. lucky card
| ||
Radish spicy younger sister
Evolution success ratio: 85%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 30%
Pharaoh king's curse. ice-cold heart. ice quartz.
water. male student's 羅曼史
The outstanding woods heart. blue color
crystallizes. the blue spark. lucky grass. big radish 蔔
| |
Brave radish
Evolution success ratio: 80%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 10%
Pharaoh king's curse. ice-cold heart. ice quartz.
water. male student's 羅曼史
The outstanding woods heart. blue color
crystallizes. the blue spark. lucky grass. big radish 蔔
| |
Small pumpkin
Pumpkin head
Evolution success ratio: 85%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 60%
Tooth of the cane vine. blood suck ghost. withers
leaf. bud. leaf
The vanilla. wood. radish 蔔 must. the mulberry
The mulberry leaf. radish 蔔 must. the wood.
vanilla. leaf
The bud. withers tooth of. cane vine leaf. blood
suck ghost
| ||
Tooth of. bat tooth. poisonous nail. tooth. small
pumpkin head blood suck ghost
The mulberry leaf. leaf. withers leaf. lucky
| ||
Pumpkin star
Evolution success ratio: 85%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 30%
Tooth of. young dragon bat tooth. tooth. blood
suck ghost tooth. wicked wolf 尖牙
The leaf. withers leaf. bud. vanilla. lucky card
| |
Pumpkin gem
Evolution success ratio: 80%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 10%
Tooth of. bat tooth. poisonous nail. tooth. small
pumpkin head blood suck ghost
The mulberry leaf. leaf. bud. withers leaf. lucky
| |
Evolution success ratio: 85%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 50%
Rose. cactus colored. snowflake. clock. goldfish
Soul of. brave cluck egg. vegetable oil. big
excreta. small excreta 白雪公主
Rose. cactus colored. snowflake. gold. goldfish
Knight 紋章. brave cluck egg. vegetable oil.
small excreta. decadent dart gun
| ||
Evolution success ratio: 85%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 50%
The golden. brave cluck egg. gold crystallizes.
the snowflake. blue spark
Cactus colored. clock. big excreta. small
excreta. knight 紋章
| |
The snowflake. gold. goldfish. small excreta.
cactus is colored
Vegetable oil. brave cluck egg. clock. lucky
card. big excreta
| ||
Snowflake. clock. goldfish. small excreta. lucky
Vegetable oil. lucky grass. knight 紋章. gold.
brave cluck egg
| ||
Bean pod skin
Bowl bean
Evolution success ratio: 85%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 60%
The vanilla. small excreta. fool 拳套.
fermented bean curd. cactus is colored
Secretion. dye. vegetable oil. pea dried bean
curd. leaf
Wood.spore. yeast.
fermented bean curd. pea
Egg. vegetable oil. pea dried bean curd.
secretion. small excreta
| ||
Pea dried bean curd. pea. fermented bean curd.
small excreta. dye
Fool 拳套. jack bean. lucky card. water.
vegetable oil
| ||
Bowl bean spicy younger sister
Evolution success ratio: 85%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 30%
White gloves. fermented bean curd. pea. pea
dried bean curd. leaf
Secretion. dye. small excreta. lucky card
| |
Brave bowl bean
Evolution success ratio: 80%
3 -> 4 success ratios: 10%
Vanilla.small excreta. fool
拳套. fermented bean curd. pea
Secretion. dye. vegetable oil. pea dried bean
curd. leaf
| |
| |||
Five steps
Successful photograph
Evolution goods
Radish king
Radish big fiendish person
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 70%
On Peter Pan hat.
Peter Pan. under Peter Pan. Peter Pan shoes. blue color
The big radish 蔔. radish 蔔 must. the leaf.
bud. lucky grass
On Peter Pan hat.
Peter Pan. under Peter Pan. Peter Pan shoes. quartz big sword
Crystal sword. lucky card. quartz dagger. bud.
| ||
On Peter Pan hat. Peter Pan. under Peter Pan.
Peter Pan shoes. quartz big sword
Crystal sword. lucky grass. quartz stick. bud.
| ||
On Peter Pan hat. Peter Pan. under Peter Pan.
Peter Pan shoes. quartz big sword
Crystal sword. lucky grass. quartz dagger. leaf.
| ||
Large size brave radish
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 25%
On Peter Pan hat. Peter Pan. under Peter Pan.
Peter Pan shoes. quartz big sword
Crystal sword. lucky grass. quartz stick. bud.
| |
蔬果 male spirit
Evolution success ratio: 70%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 5%
On Peter Pan hat. Peter Pan. under Peter Pan.
Peter Pan shoes. quartz big sword
Crystal sword. lucky grass. quartz stick. bud.
| |
Under gold sword. Peter Pan shoes. Peter Pan
hat. Peter Pan coat. Peter Pan trousers
The lucky grass. lucky card. mercurochrome
(big). the mercurochrome (is small). male student's 羅曼史
| ||
Radish spicy younger sister
Graceful radish spicy younger sister
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 90%
Under Peter Pan hat. Peter Pan coat. Peter Pan
trousers. Peter Pan shoes. leaf
Lucky grass. quartz big sword. quartz sword.
quartz dagger. fight iron rod
On Peter Pan hat. Peter Pan. under Peter Pan.
Peter Pan shoes.quartz big sword
Crystal sword. lucky grass. quartz dagger. leaf.
| ||
蔬果 male spirit
Evolution success ratio: 70%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 10%
On Peter Pan hat. Peter Pan. under Peter Pan.
Peter Pan shoes.quartz big sword
Crystal sword. lucky grass. quartz dagger. leaf.
| |
Brave warrior radish
Large size brave radish
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 70%
On Peter Pan hat.
Peter Pan.under Peter Pan. Peter Pan shoes.
male student 羅曼史
Gold sword. cactus colored. 海苔. lucky card.
lucky grass
蔬果 male spirit
Evolution success ratio: 70%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 25%
On Peter Pan hat.
Peter Pan.under Peter Pan. Peter Pan shoes.
male student 羅曼史
Gold sword. cactus colored. 海苔. lucky card.
lucky grass
| |
Really 蔬果 male spirit
Evolution success ratio: 65%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 5%
On Peter Pan hat.
Peter Pan.under Peter Pan. Peter Pan shoes.
male student 羅曼史
Gold sword. cactus colored. 海苔. lucky card.
lucky grass
| |
| |||
Pumpkin head
Pumpkin small meatball
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 25%
海苔.clock. ashes. white ashes.
quartz sword
Stick of. lucky grass. lucky card crystal big
sword. quartz dagger. quartz
| |
蔬果 male spirit
Evolution success ratio: 70%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 5%
海苔.clock. ashes. white ashes.
quartz sword
Stick of. lucky grass. lucky card crystal big
sword. quartz dagger. quartz
| ||
Star pumpkin
Bomb big meatball
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 70%
Crystal sword. quartz big sword. quartz 鎚. crystal
dagger. sea star
Crab leg. shark fin. white ashes. 海苔. lucky
| |
蔬果 male spirit
Evolution success ratio: 70%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 25%
Crystal sword. quartz big sword. quartz 鎚. crystal
dagger. sea star
Crab leg. shark fin. white ashes. 海苔. lucky
| ||
Really 蔬果 male spirit
Evolution success ratio: 65%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 5%
Crystal sword. quartz big sword. quartz 鎚. crystal
dagger. sea star
Crab leg. shark fin. white ashes. 海苔. lucky
| ||
Pumpkin gem
Jurassic Period mosquito
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 90%
The silver.
gold crystallizes. the borax
Ice quartz. lucky card. snow
Princess Ji the crystal. platinum. red is valuable
蔬果 male spirit
Evolution success ratio: 70%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 10%
The silver.
gold crystallizes. the borax
Ice quartz. lucky card. snow
Princess Ji the crystal. platinum. red is valuable
| |
Rose madame
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 75%
Powder of. wicked idea leaf. lucky card. bud.
Stick of. sunflower seed. solar energy board
stone. sharp tooth. quartz
蔬果 female spirit
Evolution success ratio: 70%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 20%
Powder of. wicked idea leaf. lucky card. bud.
Stick of. sunflower seed. solar energy board
stone. sharp tooth. quartz
| |
Lucky grass. bud. leaf. sharp tooth. sunflower
Powder of. solar energy board. lucky card powder
of. spirit black magic
| ||
Really 蔬果 female spirit
Evolution success ratio: 65%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 5%
Lucky grass. bud. leaf. sharp tooth. sunflower
Powder of. solar energy board. lucky card powder
of. spirit black magic
| |
Magnificent sunflower
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 95%
Flower of. lucky grass. lucky card sunflower
seed. solar energy board. cactus
Powder of. leaf. wicked idea. Peter powder of.
black magic spirit Pan coat
Flower of powder of. cactus powder of. black
magic the sunflower seed. wicked idea. spirit
Leaf. solar energy board. lucky grass. lucky
card. snowflake
| ||
Powder of. lucky card. lucky
grass powder of. black magic flower of. spirit
Solar energy board. sunflower seed. leaf. wicked
idea. Peter Pan coat
| ||
蔬果 female spirit
Evolution success ratio: 70%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 5%
Flower of. lucky grass. lucky card sunflower
seed. solar energy board. cactus
Powder of. leaf. wicked idea. Peter powder of.
black magic spirit Pan coat
| |
Powder of. lucky card. lucky
grass powder of. black magic flower of. spirit
Solar energy board. sunflower seed. leaf. wicked
idea. Peter Pan coat
| ||
Bowl bean
Bold wild pea
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 70%
Leaf.海苔. ashes. quartz
stick. quartz big sword
On lucky grass. lucky card. Peter Pan hat of.
Peter Pan. under Peter Pan
Bud. leaf. mulberry leaf. lucky grass. white
Stick of. quartz crystal big sword. quartz sword.
quartz dagger. quartz 鎚
| ||
Leaf.mulberry leaf. 海苔.
ashes. white ashes
Peter hammer of. lucky grass stick of. quartz big
sword. quartz Pan hat. quartz
| ||
Large size brave warrior bowl bean
Evolution success ratio: 75%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 25%
Leaf.mulberry leaf. 海苔.
ashes. white ashes
Peter hammer of. lucky grass stick of. quartz big
sword. quartz Pan hat. quartz
| |
蔬果 female spirit
Evolution success ratio: 70%
4 -> 5 success ratios: 5%
Leaf.mulberry leaf. 海苔.
ashes. whit
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